Every day, the light of the sun reminds us we are alive, and that we owe a debt of gratitude to God for a new day, for the opportunity to begin again, to strive towards what we are destined to be.
Easter is the greatest story ever told of a new day for humanity, where humility and loving service ushers’ mankind into a divine relationship with God.
Each year, Christians welcome this event with a call to self-denial, a period of Lent, which often coincides with the Ramadan fast by Muslims. I have often paused to question if this was God’s way of calling us to reflect on the meaning of life?
The world around us is engaged in the battle for significance, people become intensely consumed by the struggle for greatness, which is often measured by attainment of economic and social goals, goaded on by social media, celebrity culture and stories of hustlers who have scrambled to the “top”, without a care for who is trampled underfoot or whose ox is gored.
Easter reminds us of Jesus Christ, whose example shows that the greatest amongst us is the most inclusive and humble servant of all, and that lasting greatness is in serving God through serving people. In this story, Jesus did not seek anything for Himself, rather He chose a painful death to meet the needs of humanity. His sinless life became a substitute for sinful humanity to gain access to God.
2 Corinthians 5:21 “For God made the only one who did not know sin to become sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God through our union with him.”
Romans 5:17-19 “Death once had us in its grip, and by the blunder of one man, death reigned as king over humanity. But now, how much more are we held in the grip of grace and continue reigning as kings in life, enjoying our regal freedom through the gift of perfect righteousness in the one and only Jesus, the Messiah! In other words, just as condemnation came upon all people through one transgression, so through one righteous act of Jesus’ sacrifice, the perfect righteousness that makes us right with God and leads to a victorious life is now available to all.”
Jesus paid a price for everyone, every race, every nation, every gender, the guilty and the innocent, to the vilest offender His hands remain extended, and He says, “Repent from your wicked ways and follow me, allow me to discipline you in true love until your soul finds rest in the true meaning of life.”
Easter reminds us that Jesus Christ is coming back.
We don’t know when, but the best strategy is to live prepared, in responsive love, meeting demands around us as much as we can, celebrating our common humanity with all its strengths and weaknesses, always willing to go beyond self to help others and above all being ready to offer prayers of peace for individuals, for families and nations, asking God to end conflict and injustice in our world.
Happy Easter to all! by Dr Peter Adegbie. www.peteradegbie.co.uk
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